
Coldwell Banker Heros

January 1, 2014

As a major real estate company of the Susquehanna Valley, Coldwell Banker Penn One includes in their year’s strategic plan numerous activities which assist others by deed or fund raising. During the month of December, we held three events.

On Late Night Shoppers, with the help of a local artist, we held a wine and cheese Artist event. Thanks to Tony Fornataro all proceeds from this event went to Eastern Union County Supplemental Food Bank.

For the entire year of 2013, with the help not only of our office team but many friends throughout the community, we are able to supply holiday gifts to the participating families enrolled in the Food Bank program. This year we were able to provide gifts and books for 211 children ranging in ages newborn through 18 years.

Our final event for December has been an Annual Holiday Event where all invitees are asked to make a generous contribution to the charity of their choice, bring it marked to our Holiday Event and we will distribute the dollars to the specified agency. Any cash received is delivered to the Food Bank. This year, we raised over $15,000.00 for 32 non-profit agencies.